Why sheep are more likely to have better B12 levels then you
Why Sheep have more optimum B12 levels then You
This powerhouse vitamin is crucial for several bodily functions, from energy production to brain health. But what exactly makes Vitamin B12 Hydroxocobalamin so vital, and how can you ensure your levels are optimum? In this article, I will share my story with B12 and how it changed my life and saved the life of a loved one. Then we will dive deep into B12 benefits and optimum blood range.

from Colonics
My Story
My discovery of B12 began over 8 years ago. I was going through a health crisis. I had just lost my third child in the second trimester around 8 months prior. Even during the pregnancy I was very exhausted and tired and my digestion began to deteriorate. It only got worse as time went on. Soon I started to have bleeding in between periods and after visiting a gynecologist, discovered I had developed a polyps about 6 cm in my uterus. Emotionally I was exhausted, irritable and at times did not want to be here. So I started looking for solutions. My naturopath got me on iron to help with the bleeding, various supplements for my thyroid and hormonal health, I rediscovered progesterone (will do another article on bio identical hormones soon) and within 3 months, after going through the medical system to get that polyps out, the surprised doctor found that the polyps had shrunk to less then a 1 cm! Meanwhile all the extra bleeding had stopped and I felt amazing and again in love with myself and life. The bizarre thing though, while in this blissful recovery, I received a phone call from my doctor regarding my blood results. Usually doctors will not bother to ring unless there is something very important to be concerned about and this was no different. The concern surprised me however; apparently my B12 levels were too high! I was told to promptly go off any supplement that could be contributing to these high B12 levels. I asked what could happen to me if my B12 levels got too high and they had no answer for that, just that the levels were well beyond range.
I remember thinking to myself, "I am feeling really really good, if mine are too high, then in reality maybe everyone else's B12 levels are too low." I would later find out just how right I was.
Fast forward 5 years and another health storm began to brew. A family member developed depression and a deep desire to end their life. It was honestly the hardest challenge that I had yet to face in my life; to watch someone that at one point was full of vibrancy and creativity to now lay despondently on the couch full of hopelessness and despair; it was just heart breaking. I remember coming home on a daily basis with a feeling of dread and asking myself, what if this was the day they decided to opt out? This went on for months.
Then, by guidance, grace or chance, you pick, I accepted an invitation to a presentation on genetics. I watched in rapture as Dr. Libby Lindsay explained how genes work and how the testing system she created could give you the keys in understanding what your body needed to deal with inflammation and disease and more intriguingly, Methylation. Metylation is the the process of one mehtyl group (CH3) being transferred from molecule to molecule. This biochemical Methylation pathway process is important in activating nutrients in your body so that they can perform their functions. This pathway is quite complex and complicated, but in terms of being able to absorb and utilize B12, it involves your genes on two basic levels. Being able to get B12 from your food (FUT2 and TCN2 genes) and then being able to activate that B12 so that you can actually utilize it (the famous MTHFR gene). For people with FUT2 and TCN2 issues, they cannot get adequate B12 from their food and need to supplement with a B12. For people with MTHFR issues, they have trouble activating that B12 they got from their food or supplement. So they may have good b12 levels in their blood, but they cannot utilize that B12.
Other people can have both pathways blocked and others none at all (that's me, as along as I have enough Iron and B12 from food or supplements, I am good to go). The Methylation pathway must be working properly for optimum mood, sleep and hormone function. So I got myself and whole family tested, and lo and behold, the family member dealing with depression had their MTHFR out. The amount needed to compensate for this gene was around 2,000 mcg of activated B12, more then 40 times a daily dose found at a local chemist. This was not something I would have discovered by trial and error! Nor would a B12 shot have sufficed as they cannot activate and thus utilize that B12. Long story short, this family member had a complete reversal in their mental health, and now, 3 years later, is thriving.
That is the power of B12.
Boosts Energy Levels: B12 helps in converting food into energy that is needed for the proper functioning of the body. The supplement provides a quick boost of energy to get you through busy days, workouts or daily tasks.
Supports Brain Health: Vital for maintaining nerve health and proper brain function, potentially reducing the risk of neurodegenerative diseases.
Improves Mood and Mental Health: Plays a role in the synthesis of serotonin, a chemical responsible for mood regulation.
Promotes Heart Health: Sufficient B12 levels are crucial for a healthy cardiovascular system. Regular intake of Vitamin B12 can control high blood pressure, reduced homocysteine levels and, prevent damage to blood vessels.
Support Healthy Sleep Cycles: This is the number one nutrient to help you experience uninterrupted sleep
Supports Red Blood Cell Formation: Essential for preventing anemia by aiding in the production of healthy red blood cells.
Stronger Immunity: Vitamin B12 plays an important role in strengthening your immune system by producing new healthy red blood cells, which carry oxygen throughout your body and fight off infections. Regular consumption of B12 will improve nutrient absorption, fight diseases and keep you healthy.
Slow Down Ageing: As we age, our skin starts to lose elasticity, cause wrinkle forming, and sagging. Vitamin B12 injected on the skin tissues help preserve skin tone, vitality and maintenance thus making you look younger for longer.
Improved Physical Performance: Low levels of B12 could result in poor physical performance and lead to weakness and fatigue. Taking Vitamin B12 supplement assist in the quicker recovery of muscles after an intense workout, increase your endurance and improve muscle strength leading you to better fitness results.
What else does B12 (Hydroxocobalamin) do?
What are the optimum levels of B12?
This is where things get interesting. You may have already had your B12 levels checked and been told that they are "within range". What does that actually mean and will your be receiving all the amazing benefits of B12 within that range? In New Zealand the range is 170 - 800 pmol/L. Compare that to Japan whose range is 500 – 1300 pmlol/L. Quite a difference in opinion on optimum B12 levels!
And now, we are finally getting to the topic of sheep. One day I was discussing B12 with a farmer and to my surprise they commented that it is practice to give their sheep B12 injections to keep them healthy and that the range for B12 for sheep is between 500 and 10000 pmol/L! I can bet there are very few depressed sheep in New Zealand!
How much does a human actually need? Clinically speaking from experience, most people will not feel the benefits of B12 until they reach levels of around 800 to 1200 pmol/L. The benefit is felt right after the injection; an instant feeling of well being, clarity, just "feeling good" and often followed by a getting a good nights sleep that night and more energy during the day. It sometimes takes up to 5 injections at weekly intervals build the reserves and thus feel the effect. Once the effect is felt, having a top up every 3 months is usually sufficient.
If you choose to use an oral supplement, make sure you dissolve the B12 under your tongue as it is best absorbed the sublingual route.
Can you have too high B12 through injections?
B12 is a water soluble vitamin, so unlike Vitamin D for example, there is no known toxic upper limit. In fact Medsafe recommends B12 injections for those with Leber's optic atrophy once a day for 14 days.
When B12 injections will not work.
Some people cannot activate B12. These are people with an issue with their MTHFR gene. They can have many B12 shots but will not receive the benefit as their bodies cannot activate this B12 and therefore utilize this form of B12. Instead they need an activated form of B12. However if they have another gene out, called the COMT gene, taking activated B12 could lead to feeling wired and anxious and in extreme case to schizophrenia. The only way to know which B12 is best for you is through genetic testing. This can be done through the Back Door Spa with Michelle, a Certified Ingeneous Practitioner.
Ready to optimize your B12?
Because the B12 range is so low in New Zealand, very few doctors are willing to recommend injections unless you are around 200 and below. But as we have discovered, optimum levels are achieved around or above 1000 which is well above the 800 upper range. There is nothing illegal about getting them done, its just really hard to find someone that is willing to give more then one. Most pharmacies in New Zealand offer B12 injections but may not give out more then one every three months which is great for sustaining good B12 levels, but not for getting your levels up to optimum when you are deficient. There is a Life Pharmacy on Cashel street in Christchurch that is willing to support your health by B12 shots once a week. Another option is to purchase the ampules online (very affordable, 3 for under 10 dollars) and get someone who knows how to do injections, like a nurse or doctor in your family or friend group, to give them to you. You can purchase them here, here and here. You are looking for hydroxocbalamin.
Do you want to learn more about genetic testing?
You may be one of the few that have trouble activating your B12. The only way to find this out is with genetic testing. We offer three comprehensive reports that take you on a wellness journey not only dealing with methylation and B12 but also covering inflammation, which is 90% cause of all disease.
1. Essential Start
find out what your genetic inflammation pathway is like including vitamin D pathway, antioxidant, pro inflammatory pathway and detoxification pathway and more importantly 5 recommendations that switch these genes on within 3 weeks!
2. Life Style Plus
find out how your genes respond to things like coffee, alcohol, what your amylase score is and thus how many carbs are perfect for you as well as what is the best diet for you and what exercise is best for you to keep your inflammation pathway working optimally
3. Methylation
this consult includes insights on how you are genetically predisposed to sleep patterns; falling asleep easily, sleeping through the night and remembering your dreams and feeling rested when you wake up - extremely important for optimum health
you cannot change these genes but you can find out which nutrients you can hand deliver to your body for optimum sleep, mood and hormonal health.
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