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Borax Protocol


An effective remedy against viruses, fungus and bacteria. There are two documents, one with general information and the other an article from Nexus magazine. Boron works really well with the Iodine protocol. Please note this is for informational purpose only, and these are two different ways of using Boron, one on it's own, the other mixed with salt.

Boron/ Borax Water:


Effective Remedy against Viruses, Fungus and Bacteria


Borax/Boron is effective against Viruses, Fungus and Harmful Bacteria that causes infections

and a host of serious illnesses. Many people die needlessly of pneumonia (James Brown died

from pneumonia). Even health experts such as Dr. Batmanhelidj (Your Body Cries for Water)

got pneumonia, and so did Bob Hope and Buddy Ebsen (Beverly HillBilly). BOSS water would

have been a simple easy remedy if they have had known about it.


Borax is a natural mineral compound, discovered over 4000 years ago. Borax is usually found

deep within the ground, although it has been mined near the surface in Death Valley, California

since the 1800s. When Borax is added to water it converts some molecules to hydrogen

peroxide (H2O2). The pH of borax is about 9.5, which is ideal in helping to alkalize the body.

Most diseases (like cancer) live and thrive in an acid pH condition usually around 6.3 or in that



It may sound strange to talk about taking a product that is considered a “cleaner”. Well when

added to water it becomes a very effective “cleaner” of the many harmful viruses, bacteria and

fungus in the body



_ Immediately more energy from the first week of use

_ Candida (causing bloating, thrush, gases) and fungal infections disappear

_ Pain gone or reduced (pain is often caused by too much harmful bacteria in the body

or/and a pH acidic body)

_ pH levels normalize (BORAX water is 9.5 alkaline).

_ Most illnesses thrive in an acidic body

_ Indigestion greatly improved (usually caused by some form of bacteria).

_ Increased libido (balances normal levels of estrogen and testosterone and has been

called natural “Viagra”)

_ Improved sleep (sleep deeper and awaken restored and needing less sleep). If you have

chronic insomnia, eat a large breakfast, mid morning snack and dinner and then after 3

PM stop eating and only drink water until bedtime. At first you will be hungry but

shortly you will adapt and you will probably sleep much better along with the BOSS

water program

_ Combats osteoporosis

_ More regular bowel movements

_ Parasites, worms, lice effectively cleansed from the body

_ helps against all viral infections, colds, flu, etc

_ Urinary tract infections and all other bacterial infections clear up

_ Immune system is strengthened

_ Cleanses and detoxifies the body (produces a natural oxygen when mixed with water)



If you weigh 60 kg, simply take 1/8th teaspoon mixture of Borax and 1/4 teaspoon of Celtic Sea

salt and add to 1 liter of water.

If you weigh around 80 kg add ¼ teaspoon of BORAX in a liter of water. Use pure water

(preferably distilled).

Drink always on an empty stomach…when rising in the morning…1 hour after breakfast…2

hours after a big meal. Drink 1 cup at a time. You can add this to more water or juice if you like

as well


If you cannot find unrefined pure natural Sea salt or Himalayan salt, then you could just use the

BORAX on its own. The sea salt gives you all the necessary minerals and helps fight infections

Drink a 2 to 4 cups (250 ml per cup) per day if you have advanced cancer. Try to finish before 2 PM as you may find it gives you too much energy and may affect your night’s sleep. Drink 10 min before food and 1 hour after, until your symptoms are cleared up. It could take a few weeks or several months. There is no information on how long you should drink BORAX water. A wise approach would be to drink this mixture until you see noticeable improvements. Diet, sleep and exercise all contribute to improvement as well. It is best to drink reverse osmosis water, distilled or pure spring water only. If this adversely affects your sleep at night reduce the amount to 1 or 2 cups first thing in the morning and then stop


External Use: Pour Borax water directly over affected areas of the body that have fungus and

infection. Pour over areas affected by athlete’s foot. One man had tried every type of remedy

imaginable and nothing was working. His toes were even wet from the infection oozing out.

He was desperate. He poured Borax water over his foot. Went to bed and the next morning his

feet were dry. Borax water works fast. Pour it over any area (except the eyes) where you have

fungus and infections



Borax on its own is “NOT” safe. Therefore one should NEVER take Borax on its own. However mixed with sea salt and diluted with water it is as safe as table salt. You may experience some headaches or a little sharp pain now and then in the kidneys as the BORAX WATER detoxifies the body. If possible continue but perhaps reduce to ½ liter per day and then work your way up. If you have any persistent side effects, then it would be best to stop and run some tests. When you purchase any multiple vitamin and mineral supplements that has boron and the ingredients will likely be borax, but they will use chemical names, which is still the same thing, such as Sodium tetraborate, and other synonyms. Here's some information on the mineral boron you might find surprising...


Combats Osteoporosis

The U.S. Department of Agriculture conducted a study on boron and found that within eight

days of boron supplementation of 3 milligrams, the test group of postmenopausal women

showed 40% less loss of calcium and 33% less loss of magnesium through their urine than

before boron supplementation. In spite of this study and numerous others, boron has yet to be

added to the "Essential Nutrient" list and given an RDA intake level.

The reason the internet is currently flooded with warnings about boron is simply because

pharmaceuticals would lose billions of dollars if everyone knew the truth and what they fail to

tell you is that all plants would die without boron and that it's a necessary mineral required by

humans. The daily requirement is from 3mg to 6mg a day and up to 45mg a day is useful for

treating deficiencies.


Some have found BOSS Water effective in overcoming Insomnia, Lice, parasites and worms as well as Rosacea (which is caused by a tiny invisible mite in the skin and hair)

"Prior to 1981 boron was thought to be unimportant in human nutrition. Since then numerous

animal and human studies have established it as essential for normal growth and for hormones

involved in bone metabolism, and for normal balanced levels of estrogen and testosterone.

A 1988 study by Neilsen and Prasad "Essential and Toxic Trace Elements in Human Health and

Disease," found that boron is essential for the manufacture of several hormones.

Overaggressive marketing claims touted boron for high testosterone levels; this is false, boron

only helps the body to maintain normal levels. Of course without those normal levels many

facets of enjoyable living will suffer. Some have called it “cheap Viagra”.

Cancer is a fungus so using the BORAX water as part of a holistic program would be worth






If you compare the borax LD50 (median lethal dose) values to that of ordinary table salt, you

will get some clarity as to the comparable toxicity of Borax. Here is the LD50 values for the oral

toxicity of table salt in a rat study: LD50 is 3000 mg/kg in rats.

Link to MSDS sheet for salt:

So when compared to the LD50 figures for borax (from the last post) this means that borax

appears to be of a similar toxicity to rats as ordinary table salt. Anything above LD50 2000

mg/kgm is generally regarded as Low Toxicity."




05/25/2009: Denise from Biloxi, Mississippi writes: "Fibro/Flouride: A brief history. 7 years ago thyroid cancer, the next year adrenal fatigue then early menopause, the following year uterine prolapsed followed by hysterectomy- the following year fibromyalgia and neuropathy. Early Childhood was fluorinated water along with fluoride tablets. Fall of 2008 I was looking at total disability. I could barely walk and couldn't sleep because of the pain and was throwing up daily from the pain in my back. I was on many medications that gave me no relief and I have since found out that they had fluoride as a binding agent. I was sure that my life was over at 45. After reading about fluoride I came to understand where all of my problems originated. I had all the symptoms and reactions. It has been an uphill battle with my doctors and relatives, but you can't argue with a body that is almost pain free. I began the borax detox of 1/8 tsp in a liter of water and within 3 days my symptoms were almost gone. I watch everything I eat and can detect fluoride in vitamins, foods and drinks within 15 minutes of ingesting it. I still suffer from the neuropathy and some pain from the neuropathy but I am off all meds and I have my life. I only wish more people would try to understand the fluoride connections. My sister and mother both suffer with side effects of fluoride and I have only been able to influence my mother. I still borax 5 days on and two days off and give my body a break every month or so for about a week. Thank you :)"


Mick from Ravenna, Ohio, Usa replies: "After 3 days on Borax microtablets for flouride

poisoning I have a few things to report: “First and foremost was an amazing side effect that I

didn't expect. I have experienced what I call "floaties" in my eyes, these are black hazy spots

that move when I move my head, that I have had for years and are now gone. After day one my

vision was a little blurry, but after day 2 no more blur and no more floaties. It wasn't till after

day three that I was really shocked. As I was driving to work I passed a sign that I hadn't been

able to read for years and I read the sign. I immediately called my wife and read to her all the

license plates of the cars in front of me, which I haven't been able to do. Finally, I could make

out the pine needles on the pine tree in my back yard, yet another pleasant surprise. I did

experience some extra joint pain and it definitely fired up my kidneys but both subsided after

day 2. I did experience the testicular pain and found this was probably due to the high levels of

sodium in the area which flouride tends to bind to easily. Boiron recommends using product for

only 3 days at a time and I am currently on a break. I definitely recommend this product to

anyone who's flouride levels are high."


As to the weight loss some, not all, will have that benefit from borax. The issue is if a person has

low hormones or low blood boron, the supplementation of boron raises the bodys' hormones

(e.g. growth hormone, sex hormone - it works like a Viagra) and cause the body's metabolism to

burn the fat faster. In fact boron itself is a surfactant that increases the body's hormone's

efficiency even if the hormones are still low. In fact fats and oils lowers the body's hormones by

blocking them, while surfactants, such as boron and lecithin helps hormones to function

normally by removing the fats from blocking as it is soluble to the surfactant.

Pamela from City Withheld, Washington writes: "I have suffered with Fibromyalgia/Rosacea and TMJ for over 10 years... My first symptoms appeared shortly after I began taking Paxil. After about 8 months when I found the Paxil side effects intolerable, my doctor switched me to Prozac. Well...within 2 years, I had gained 75 pound, couldn't get my temperature to a normal 98.6 (it wouldn't budge above 96.6), broke out with a fierce case of Rosacea (skin blistering & pealing in layers off my cheeks), was chronically fatigued and suffered from TMJ symptoms. After reading the FLUORIDE information and researching the chemical formulas of the many antidepressants that I had taken over the last 10 years, I had an epiphany...My problem was FLUORIDE!!! Incidentally, the symptoms of FLUORIDE TOXICITY are the same as Fibromyalgia so it wasn't surprising to learn that FLUORIDE is the primary ingredient in MANY widely prescribed antidepressants, including PAXIL and PROZAC!!!


Without delay, I began adding 1/8 tsp of BORAX and 1/8 tsp of NATURAL (UN-bleached) SEA

SALT to a liter Of DE-CLORINATED water. This regimen just happens to both neutralize the

FLUORIDE and KILL the nasty mites that cause Rosacea. I began drinking 1 liter per day for 5

days. On the 2 off days, I simply drank purified, bottled spring water. The results were nothing

short of MIRACULOUS, within two weeks my face cleared, the redness faded and best of all, my

temperature normalized TO 98.6 and my energy level began to steadily increased. (Do expect

the break out to get worse before it gets better as the mites die off.) In just one month, without

dieting or changing my daily routine (other than adding BORAX & SEA SALT to my drinking

water), I dropped 4 pounds and I continue to drop weight at about a pound a week. I attribute

this to my increased body temperature and elevated metabolism. ALSO...when I eliminated the

FLUORIDE in my toothpaste, my gums stopped swelling and bleeding and all PREVIOUS

phantom tooth/jaw pain simply disappeared. I wholeheartedly encourage anyone that is

suffering with FIBROMYALGIA, CHRONIC FATIGUE, TMJ or ROSACEA to try this simple remedy as

I have had only POSITIVE results and absolutely NO SIDE EFFECTS!!!


Stephanie from Rancho Cucamonga, Ca replies: "I used Borax to releive the itching and

irritation from a yeast infection. This was the advice of my gynocologist. I have done this several

times and had immediate results without having to use messy creams and sepositories. Take

one teaspoon of 50 mule borax and combine with about 2 & 1/2 cups of warm water. Mix

together until the borax is dissolved and put in a douche bottle or bag. I found that the bag

works best because you can do this in the shower without a lot of effort or cleanup. Douche

away at the first signs of the yeast infection. I would only have to do this once a day for about 2

or 3 days. It's natural, safe and effective. Borax is also found in lipsticks and lip gloss. I think it's

been given a bad rap for years because it's cheap to produce and when used properly, won't

cause any other diseases. If no one had any diseases, how would the pharmaceutical companies

make their money?"




In the laundry detergent section of your local grocery store or at a drug (pharmacy) store also on Tradme

If you cannot find BORAX in your country contact

Brand Names: 20 Mule Team (USA), BORAXO (USA, MEXICO)

CHEMICAL NAME: Sodium borate decahydrate (borax)




SYNONYMS: Sodium borate; Borax; disodium salt; Sodium tetraborate; Sodium borate

decahydrate; Sodium tetraborate decahydrate; Disodium tetraborate decahydrate




DISCLAIMER: The information provided here is for educational purposes only and should not be considered as medical advice. If you decide to consume the BORAX water you thereby take personal responsibility. Please do your own research and do not exceed the recommended dosage. Follow the instructions on dosage and preparation carefully.



• If you weigh 60 kg, simply take 1/8th teaspoon mixture of Borax and ¼ teaspoons of

Celtic Sea salt (Optional) and add to 1 liter of water.

• If you weigh around 80 kg add ¼ teaspoon of BORAX in a liter of water. Use pure water

(preferably reverse osmosis or distilled).


Drink always on an empty stomach…when rising in the morning…1 hour after

breakfast…2 hours after a big meal. Drink 1 cup at a time. You can add this to more

water or juice if you like as well

• Drink a full liter per day. Try to finish before 6 PM as you may find it gives you too

much energy and may affect your night’s sleep.


Borax on its own is “NOT” safe. Therefore one should NEVER take Borax on its own.

However mixed with sea salt and diluted with water it is as safe as table salt.


You may experience some headaches or a little sharp pain now and then in the kidneys

as the BORAX WATER detoxifies the body. If possible continue but perhaps reduce to ½

liter per day and then work your way up. If you have any persistent side effects, then it

would be best to stop and run some tests.


Diluted in water Borax is fairly safe, if you go over that threshold it is quite dangerous.

The threshold is very dependent on body weight -- definitely don't let Borax anywhere

near an infant or a pregnant woman.

Back Door Spa

42 Nayland Street, Sumner, Christchurch, NZ


This website and the property at 42 Nayland Street Christchurch is run in the private and thus we only accept men, woman, sons and daughters to enter;

We of mankind at Back Door Spa do not claim to treat or cure any disease through the information and/or services on this website or at our property;

We acknowledge that only you, the man or woman, have sole/soul access to the source of life within and are thus the ultimate authority and healer of your own health;

We are here to simply bring through inspiration and support for you on your journey;

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