Colonic Irrigation - Closed System

Colonic irrigation is also referred to as, colonics or high enemas. All these are names for colonic irrigation equipment, which uses safe filtered, temperature controlled water for inner cleansing. Ideally people receive the treatment as a preventive and detox measure.
Colonic Irrigation uses the principles of:
cleansing the colon of toxic material so it can no longer effect your body or inhibit assimilation and elimination. When impacted faecal matter and allergy triggers are removed mechanically, the bowel wall may then be free to repair itself. This may support better absorption of nutrients and destruction of pathogens in the bowel wall.
exercising the colon by improving peristalsis (natural muscular contractions) through the gentle filling and emptying cycles of a colonic treatment, activity which aids in the removal of waste, which in turn reduces pressure on the connective tissue and helps better positioning of the internal organs.
including massage technique of the practitioner and the slow gentle movement of water flowing in and out of the colon also aids in reshaping a colon that has over time become distorted. The colon naturally resumes its natural shape after a series of colonic irrigation sessions. This in turn reduces pressure on the connective tissue and helps better positioning of the internal organs.
helping to restore fundamental link that is compromised in so many people – the urge to open the bowel followed by immediate evacuation (this has often become distorted because of not going when one needs to due to school, work situation etc). Colonics may begin to re-establish this very important neural pathway.

"I went for a colonic because I wanted to detoxify and cleanse my body. The colonic triggered my body’s own detoxification process and this was very evident even 8 hours after the colonic. The next day my energy levels were amazing and my body felt a lot more freer and lighter."
Charlene from Christchurch NZ

What is the colon?
The colon is the last five feet of the digestive tract. It is a hollow tube like organ made up of muscle that moves digested food along by a wave like motion known as peristaltic action. The colon is the living area for a host of bacteria that produce vitamins, such as K and some B vitamins. In addition, the colon stores 95% of our available serotonin, a neurotransmitter better known as the mood regulator. The colon also absorbs water, nutrients, proteins and cell salts back into the blood stream.
How can I cleanse my colon?
One of the safest ways is diet, exercise and Colon Hydrotherapy. It is the gentle infusion of filtered, temperature-controlled water, into the colon, by way of a sterile-disposable rectal tube or speculum. Water in – faecal matter flushed out.
Why is Colon Hydrotherapy important?
The colon is a reflex organ, meaning there are electrical connections to all other systems and parts of the body. When waste material has accumulated over a long period of time it breaks down and becomes toxic. The body responds by slowing down other functions. This causes constipation and sluggish bowel movement, which would effect all other systems of the body.
What are the signs that your colon is not functioning properly?
The most miserable people on earth are people with inefficient elimination. Some of the signs of a toxic colon are – coated tongue, fetid breath, shallow complexion, abnormal body odour, dark circles under the eyes, cold hands and feet, brittle nails and hair, Saggy posture (pot belly), tension, fatigue, allergies, indigestion, chronic headaches, irritability, nervousness, nausea, depression, asthma, menstrual problems, swelling of legs, asthma, backache, and loss of memory or concentration.

Will laxatives and enemas achieve the same results?
To clean out the lower part of the colon, enemas are fine. But you are missing about four feet of the colon. Laxatives are an irritant to the body. Therefore, the body produces a thin, watery substance that goes through the colon and leaves behind impacted toxins and waste.
Is colon hydrotherapy painful?
An impacted colon can cause discomfort, and cramping may occur as the colon contracts to expel waste. Once the major impaction is removed, many actually find a session pleasant. On a positive note the cramps that may be experienced during initial colonic sessions result in the strengthening and re-established tone of the colon. Think of it as a gym session or workout for the bowel!
Is it embarrassing?
NO. Our professional standards ensure that your dignity and privacy is maintained at all times during the treatment.
Will I leak or make a mess all over?
No, most people don't leak. Part of the colon therapist's job is to diminish your chance of leaking by controlling the water flow and listening to you. It is rare that a client makes a mess.
What happens during a typical colonic session?
First you fill out a questioner and have a short discussion with the therapists about any questions or concerns pertaining to the procedure. You then go to prepare by removing appropriate clothing and if needed you empty your bladder in the near-by toilet so your session won't be interrupted.
After lying down on a comfortable padded table, a lubricated disposable speculum, having a tapered end, is gently inserted into the rectum. The tapered end is actually a separate piece that is removed after insertion and discarded. This is called an obturator. It is designed so that the insertion is not uncomfortable, nor damaging to any rectal tissue. The speculum is then attached to two tubes. The smaller tube delivers the filtered, temperature controlled water to the speculum and your colon, while the larger tube carries the faecal waste to the colon therapy machine. The colon therapy machine is attached to the building's plumbing system so that all waste is discretely moved from your body into the plumbing without offensive odor or embarrassment. During your colon hydrotherapy sessions, your therapist will always make sure your modesty and comfort needs are addressed.
The machine has a viewing tube with special lighting that allows you to see and the therapist to examine what is coming out of your body. This provides you both an opportunity to discuss what is happening and for you to ask any questions regarding what you see.
During an average 25-45 minute session, a colonic practitioner infuses 5-20 liters of filtered water into a client. At any one "fill", you may have between a 100mls to 700mls of water in your colon. During a fill, only the volume of water that feels comfortable for you is introduced. Once you feel full, you tell the therapist and the water is then released. Your colon empties out into the drainage tube carrying with it faecal and toxic matter that has been dislodged. This filling and emptying continues, along with abdominal massaging, for the entire session.
This repetitive filling with water not only flushes wastes out the colon, but it also stimulates the colon to contract. This contracting of the colon is called peristalsis. This is the same muscular action that the stool stimulates as it moves through the colon. In this way, colon cleansing with water is gentle and yet extremely effective because as you clean the colon, you are strengthening the colon muscles. This is why colon cleansing is not addictive, like laxatives, but is strengthening to your colon. Laxatives use chemicals to stimulate bowel movements, which is quite unnatural. Using water to cleanse your colon can be an excellent way to bring about optimal bowel function.
Once you and your practitioner feel you are done, you sit on the toilet for 1-10 minutes. Having a squatting stool available at the toilet can make a big difference since a squatting stool allows the body to assume a position more conducive to comfortable expelling of colon waste. We recommend that clients really take their time while emptying on the toilet to bring about a full evacuation of the bowels as well as to increase their confidence that they won't have an accident on their way home.
How do I prepare?
On the day of the colonics we recommend eating light meals. For a deeper fasting is recommended, for more information go here. We also recommend wearing comfortable clothes and to keep the rest of the day low key to enable the body to continue the cleansing process.
What should or shouldn’t I do after a colonic?
Following large intestinal cleansing, the body may feel weary or relaxed. This is simply your body working out and processing through its cleaning period; so proper rest is important for your body to rejuvenate. Therapists will provide you with a printed suggested diet for you to follow, after your first session. After receiving colonic irrigation, we have experienced that it is important to:
Drink plenty of liquids (purified or distilled water, juices, herb teas, and electrolyte liquids)
Avoid heavy food such as fried food.
Soups and broths are very soothing after a colonic
How will I feel after a colonic?
Most people remark on how clean and light they feel. Increased energy and feelings of well being are the common responses.
Is there any time I shouldn't have hydrotherapy?
Yes. If you have uncontrolled hypertension or congestive heart failure, aneurysm, severe anaemia, GI haemorrhage/perforation, severe haemorrhoids, renal insufficiency, cirrhosis, carcinoma of the colon, fistulas, abdominal hernia, recent colon surgery (less than three months) or are in the first and third trimester of pregnancy, you shouldn't have colonic irrigation.
How often should I have colon therapy?
Like brushing your teeth, you might choose to make colon cleansing a part of your regular hygiene program. Regular colon cleansing can be a very healthy choice. There is no one prescription for all. Your decision on how often you have colonics may be influenced by your diet, stress levels, exercise habits and overall health. Most people benefit greatly from have at least a series of three sessions a year. Let renewed vitality be your guide.
Will a Colonic fix everything?
While colonic can be very helpful in jumpstarting us on the road to better health there are a few vital things that the bowel needs for it to function optimally:
Chewing Food Properly: Digestion begins in the mouth, not only chemically but also mechanically. The more ones chews, the less work for the digestive system and the more nutrients the digestive system can extract from the food.
Eating whole foods and organic. Processed foods and chemicals create a huge burden on the eliminatory system of the body including the bowl. Chemicals (including prescription drugs such as contraceptive pills) kill essential bacteria and enzymes needed for digestion and well being and run havoc on the endocrine system, become lodged in fat can cause gall stones etc. Food should be eaten as nature intended.
Prioritizing traditional foods such as organ meats, fermented vegetables, raw dairy from pasture fed animals, traditional fats such as tallow, duck fat, butter, cod liver oil and extra virgin olive oil.
Emotional Well Being: Our gut is literally our second brain and it will mirror physically what is going on emotionally. For example often someone who has a habit of “bottling in” emotions they may have issues with constipation. This can be addressed with EFT (Emotional Freedom Techniques) Kinesiology, Cranio Sacral Therapy, Family Constellation work, Contact Care and or any therapy that one resonates with.
Exercise: Regular exercise is essential for all body functions and well being including colon function.
What equipment do you use, is it safe?
We use the Aquanet EC 2000 which is certified by three independent international manufacturing standards; Health Canada, the USA FDA and the European Medical Device Directive. Furthermore the equipment has numerous health and safety features such as applied pressure sensing technology, automatic temperature control, precision flow-control and flow meter, 3 stage water purification system and we only use disposable speculums and hoses.

What is the difference between a closed system and open, which do you use?
We use the closed system. Some of the main differences are as follows:
The closed system:
is at least twice as effective as the open system as the therapist can uses controlled pressure, manual ‘teasing’ and temperature change to help dislodge faecal matter and exercise the colon according to the specific needs of the client, thus the client receives more for their money and time
requires a practitioner 100% of the time during treatment (as opposed to a more self service approach of the open system)
session includes massage of the abdomen, conversation and complementary health support which means the client receives more care, service and support during the treatment for their money
has a viewing tube for the output so both client and therapist can discuss what is happening and the client can ask questions about what they see
our closed system is capable of both gravity and pressure depending on the needs of the client
The open system:
is only capable of gravity pressure
is suitable for people with significant issues with haemorrhoids, as the speculum is thinner
is suitable for people whose anus has a sharp angle to the rectum as the speculum can be bent to accommodate this.
is more geared to self care as the therapist does not have to be by the side of the client the whole time and can take care of more than one client at a time.
Both use filtered water and both are intend to help relive the colon of lodged faecal matter. Your choice of which system depends on expected results, time needed to achieve these results, care you wish to receive during a session and specific health situation.
Can colon hydrotherapy be used to prepare for colonoscopy?
Yes! Many have found colon hydro therapy a welcome alternative to laxatives in preparation for a colonoscopy. See the YouTube video below for more information: