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GAPS protocol created by Dr. Natasha Campbell


Dr. Natasha Campbell has created the Gut and Psychology Syndrome nutritional program which naturally heals and seals the gut lining that is inflamed and has compromised gut flora. People who suffer from a compromised gut may have a variety of symptoms from autism, ADHD, learning disabilities, schizophrenia, depression, OCD all the way to autoimmune disorders such as allergies, asthma, eczema and arthritis. Also included are overall digestive issues such as constipation, IBS and diarrhoea. Everyone benefits from the knowledge that this protocol brings from as when you understand food and how it can be used to heal disease, you understand how to improve and maintain health. Please take the time to listen and read the following material as there is so much disinformation about food in the media, health care community and medical field and it is time to hear the truth and understand the basics of nutrition as our life literally depends on it.





Gut and Psychology Syndrome : Natural Treatment for Autism, ADD/ADHD, Dyslexia, Dyspraxia, Depression, Schizophrenia


Dr. Natasha Campbell-McBride set up The Cambridge Nutrition Clinic in 1998. As a parent of a child diagnosed with learning disabilities, she is acutely aware of the difficulties facing other parents like her, and she has devoted much of her time to helping these families. She realized that nutrition played a critical role in helping children and adults to overcome their disabilities, and has pioneered the use of probiotics in this field. Her willingness to share her knowledge has resulted in her contributing to many publications, as well as presenting at numerous seminars and conferences on the subjects of learning disabilities and digestive disorders. Her book Gut and Psychology Syndrome captures her experience and knowledge, incorporating her most recent work. She believes that the link between learning disabilities, the food and drink that we take, and the condition of our digestive system is absolute, and the results of her work have supported her position on this subject. In her clinic, parents discuss all aspects of their child's condition, confident in the knowledge that they are not only talking to a professional but to a parent who has lived their experience. Her deep understanding of the challenges they face puts her advice in a class of its own.




Back Door Spa

42 Nayland Street, Sumner, Christchurch, NZ


This website and the property at 42 Nayland Street Christchurch is run in the private and thus we only accept men, woman, sons and daughters to enter;

We of mankind at Back Door Spa do not claim to treat or cure any disease through the information and/or services on this website or at our property;

We acknowledge that only you, the man or woman, have sole/soul access to the source of life within and are thus the ultimate authority and healer of your own health;

We are here to simply bring through inspiration and support for you on your journey;

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