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Herbal Retreat

Herb Retreat2021.jpg

Nature knows best! In this retreat we will be reconnecting with nature through fasting, bodywork, yoga, meditation and you will have an opportunity to personally visit Valmai at PhytoFarms in Little River; an amazing naturopath, herbalist, farmer and educator. There you will have a guided tour of her garden and be shown how to prepare various herbal products which you can then take home with you!


Not sure about fasting? For more information click here.


What is included?

  • All supplements

  • Accommodation - to see click here

  • Group meditation

  • Two group yoga sessions

  • 2 coffee colonics, 1 probiotic colonic

  • 3 bodywork treatments (zero balancing, lymphatic drainage and reflexology*)

  • PhytoFarm trip including supplies and instruction for making products. 


To see a typical itinerary click here. This schedule may change to accommodate the number of participants and featured therapist/activity so a final itinerary will be sent to you before you come to the retreat. 


Want to know who you will be working with? Click here to meet our team!


Would you like to hear of what others have to say about our retreats? Click here to see typical feedback and view our gallery.


*the modality of bodywork is subject to change depending on practitioner availability     

Retreat Price List


Grab some friends and come for a retreat!


Prices includes supplements, 4 nights accommodation*, treatments, herbal workshop and visiting phyto farm


For two people $1650 per person

For three people $1550 per person

For four people $1395 per person


*price will go down if you choose to have fewer nights

Why Fast?

Benefits of fasting and importance of salts on fasts

Retreat Program

Not sure what to expect? Take a peek at a typical itinerary

Meet Us

Meet the men and women you will work with


What have people said about their experience

Back Door Spa

42 Nayland Street, Sumner, Christchurch, NZ


This website and the property at 42 Nayland Street Christchurch is run in the private and thus we only accept men, woman, sons and daughters to enter;

We of mankind at Back Door Spa do not claim to treat or cure any disease through the information and/or services on this website or at our property;

We acknowledge that only you, the man or woman, have sole/soul access to the source of life within and are thus the ultimate authority and healer of your own health;

We are here to simply bring through inspiration and support for you on your journey;

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