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Ingeneous Genetic Analysis


The science of nutrigenetics and nutrigenomics made accessible to you for better well being




What Your Genes Say About You

Christchurch - June 2022 Presentation

Ingeneous with Dr Libby Lindsay


Take the guess work out of what diet and lifestyle will make your body thrive!


Learn about the science of genetics and key systems of

inflammation, detoxification and Vitamin D pathway.


DNA holds the blueprint of how your body responds to the world around it. Back Door Spa is excited to partner with Ingeneous to bring you the opportunity to discover the keys to your health through their wellness reports based on your genetic data.


Understanding how your unique body reacts to food, exercise, lifestyle factors and supplements can motivate and sustain any behavior changes to help you lead a healthier, happier life. 


Ingeneous’ core premise is based around helping you understand how you can support your inflammation system. Chronic inflammation is a leading factor in the majority of all human diseases and to better understand what affects your inflammation system is a huge advantage in long term preemptive health.



If you would like to talk to Michelle, a Certified Ingeneous Practitioner

to find out more and/or arrange to have a swab done, please ring 021 072 0498



Back Door Spa

42 Nayland Street, Sumner, Christchurch, NZ


This website and the property at 42 Nayland Street Christchurch is run in the private and thus we only accept men, woman, sons and daughters to enter;

We of mankind at Back Door Spa do not claim to treat or cure any disease through the information and/or services on this website or at our property;

We acknowledge that only you, the man or woman, have sole/soul access to the source of life within and are thus the ultimate authority and healer of your own health;

We are here to simply bring through inspiration and support for you on your journey;

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